How To Build Automatic Car Parking System

Automatic Car Parking System

Automatic Car Parking System

Nowadays, in several complex systems, there is a simple problem for car parking systems. There are various lanes of vehicle parking, So to park a car one has to search for the lanes. Moreover, there are a lot of labor men involved in this procedure for which there is lots of investment. To overcome this problem, here is a system which specifies the parking slot is vacant in any lane. This project includes IR transmitter, IR receiver in every lane and also a LED and LCD displays at the outside of the car parking gate. So the person entering into parking area can see the display board and can select which lane to enter so as to car parking.

Conventionally, these systems don’t have any monitoring system.Parking lots are observed by human beings. All cars enter into the parking area and waste time for searching for a parking slot. But, sometimes it creates a blockage. Condition become worse when there are several parking lanes and each lane have various parking slots. The use of the automatic system for car parking observing will reduce the human efforts. The display unit is mounted at the entrance of car parking slot which will display LEDs for all Parking slots and lanes. The vacant slot is specified by the respective glowing LED.

What is an Automatic Car Parking System?

Automatic Car Parking system is a method of automatic parking and saving cars that normally use a system of pallets & lifts. The purpose is to compact more cars in the same space, reduce the space needed to park the equal number of cars. An automated car parking can be placed above or below ground or a blend of both. The different types of automatic car parking systems include

Types of Automatic Car Parking System

Types of Automatic Car Parking System

  • Lift Box type
  • Park Type
  • Z-Park Type
  • Elegant Type
  • Round Type

Block Diagram of Automatic Car Parking System

The automatic car parking system can be implemented using the following blocks. For a simple understanding of each block, we have discussed below.

Car Parking System Block Diagram

Car Parking System Block Diagram

Stepper Motor

A stepper motor is a digital device, where the digital data is processed to achieve an end result. It is reasonable to adopt that a step motor will truly follow digital commands like a computer is expected to. This is the unique feature of a step motor.In some cases, these motors are electric motors that are driven by digital pulses rather than a frequently applied voltage.Each pulse matches one rotary increment, which is only a lot of one complete rotation.

Stepper Motor

Stepper Motor

U-Shaped Photo Sensors

U-shaped photo sensor is a device which has a compact construction where the light sources, detectors are placed face to face on the same optical axis. The detector comprises a phototransistor transistor is placed opposite to the receiver used for small distances and thin objects.

U-Shaped Photo Sensorss

U-Shaped Photo Sensorss

Seven Segment Display

The 7-segment display is used in several electronic devices. It is built with seven LEDs which have been combined into one case to form a suitable device for displaying some letters and numbers.

Seven Segment Display

Seven Segment Display

Serial Interfacing

The microcontroller is interfaced to the PC using serial port via an ICL232 logic level converter. An IBM well-matched computer and also the 89C51 microcontroller interface is used in RS232 serial communication. RS232 is a serial communication standard, which activates information to be transferred in the form of serial between two devices. Data is transferred and received between two points in serial. There are four parameters specify an RS232 link between two points. The four parameters are baud rate, parity, data width and stop bits.

Serial Interfacing

Serial Interfacing

Automatic Car Parking System Working

  • The microcontroller is the brain of this entire hardware system
  • It reads the i/p signals and start sending the stepping sequences to the motor
  • When the i/p beam of sensor1 is blocked, the motor will start rotating in the direction of clockwise
  • Sensor1 specifies that a car has come
  • The senor2 is used as the gate open limit sensor
  • When the sensor2 is ON, it means the gate terminal is completely opened
  • Motor start spinning in the counter CLK wise direction, closing now.
  • Finally, when sensor3 is ON, it denotes that gate is totally closed now
  • A display is used on the ground floor that shows the number of cars on each and every floor.
  • The green and red LEDs are used in all the floor for indication purpose
  • Indicate whether the lift is full or it is ready to take the car up/down
  • 7-segment display specifies that a car has entered in the parking lane
  • Generally, this display is used for the public, which is driving the car
  • Serial interfacing display is for the person in the control room

Advantages of Automatic Car Parking System

The advantages of the automatic car parking system include the following

  • In worldwide, there are huge parking systems in use
  • Less pollution
  • Security from car damages and also thefts
  • Time, space and money will be saved
  • Operation and structure will be simple
  • Moves smoothly, speedy system and not noisy
  • It can be designed and implemented in residential areas.

Disadvantages of Automatic Car Parking System

  • Parking lots also incline to be subject to pollution
  • Focused spots of contaminants like motor oil
  • Preferred shaded parking places in the summer
  • Planting trees due to the extra cost of cleaning the parking place

Applications of Automatic Car Parking System

The applications of automatic car parking system mainly involve in the following

  • This system can be used for vehicle parking system in any multiplex, shopping mall, etc.
  • It can be used in commercial offices, industries, and educational institutes.

Thus, this is all about automatic car parking system, advantages, disadvantages, and its applications. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept.Furthermore, any doubts regarding this concept or to implement RFID BASED PAID CAR PARKING SYSTEM PROJECT, please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, What is the function of stepper motor?

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