Choosing Beginner Btech Projects For Engineering Students

Beginner Btech Projects

Beginner Btech Projects

This article is a collection of electronics kits for beginners, which can be used as simple projects for engineering students. The following projects can also be used for your beginner, hobbyists.or mini project needs. But, we won’t recommend these projects for your final year project requirements. While choosing the projects, you have to take care with popular circuits which are easy to implement. The logic behind learning electronics for beginners or choosing beginner Btech projects is simple; We advise you go through all the following projects which are practically tested and that will save you a lot of time for troubleshooting. All of these projects fall into the category of beginner, small or hobby and that’s why we used simple electronics for beginners as a title. And you can experiment all these circuits at your own free will and creativity.

Beginner Btech Projects

It is always a challenging task to perform Btech projects economically and physically as well. Beginner Btech projects comprise of soldering of basic components to design electronic circuits which are not economical and also unsafe in case of a fault in designing circuits.

Beginner Btech Projects

Beginner Btech Projects

So, breadboard projects are most economical for BTech students and very easy to check the circuit working without soldering the components on the printed circuit board. Hence, these can be named as solderless breadboard projects which can be designed by connecting various electrical and electronics components on the breadboard by connecting wires.

Solder less Btech Projects for Beginners

All the BTech students from the first year to final year can acquire hands on experience in designing and developing various DIY electronic projects for beginners with this real-time solder fewer project kits. The complete assembled project is available in image format also real time working on audio visuals to aid students to complete the project with ease and then try engineering skills to effort the other free circuits.

Smart Cash Box Guard

The project a smart cash box guard is a security system based on the photo sensing arrangement. The required hardware components of this project include LDR, counter, buzzer, and battery.

Smart Cash Box Guard

Smart Cash Box Guard

It uses a 14-stage ripple carry a binary counter to detect the light strength through a light dependent resistor. The o/p of these drives a buzzer for required action. This project concept is very useful to prevent burglars from homes and public places. Please refer the link to know more about smart cash box guard working.

Toy Motor Speed Control

The project toy motor speed control is designed to control the BLDC motor speed using RC time constant by changing the Resistance with the help of an adjustable Preset. The required hardware components of this project include 555 Timer, Resistor, Transistor, Motor, and Battery. This motor has various industrial applications like in drilling, spinning, lathes, electric bikes, elevators, etc. The DC motor speed control is very essential. This project provides a very accurate and effective speed control system. Please refer the link to know more about toy motor speed control.

Toy Motor Speed Control

Toy Motor Speed Control

Lucky Number Game

The project lucky number game is designed in an electronic manner for displaying a random number when every time pressed. The required hardware components of this project include Push Button, LED and Battery. This beginner project is based upon a 4060 counter that sums the clock pulses received which sets a specific number of pins high. Please refer the link to know more about the lucky number game.

Lucky Number Game

Lucky Number Game

Dengue Prevention

Mosquitoes are the most annoying and cause harm to human beings by drinking the blood from man to man thus producing dreadful diseases like malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, etc.The required hardware components of this project include Frequency Adjust Variable, Buzzer, and Battery. Please refer the link to know more about the Dengue Prevention.

Dengue Prevention

Dengue Prevention

Consumer Visit Audit

The project consumer visit audit is designed to observe the counting operations in public places like cricket stadiums, malls, modern day metro trains, etc. For instance, a person entering a stadium is calculated by LDR disruption concept and showed on a seven segment display. The required hardware components of this project include Light Detection Module, Decade Counter, 7 Segment Display and Battery. Please refer the link to know more about the consumer visit audit.

Consumer Visit Audit

Consumer Visit Audit

Police Lights

Flashing lights are used to specify the presence of an action or to attract the public sight.The project Police Lights are used to determine the circuit lighting up two different color LEDs related to the act flashing on Police vehicle. The required hardware components of this project include LED, Resistor, 555 Timer, Battery, Transistor, and Capacitor. Please refer the link to know more about the Police Lights.

Police Lights

Police Lights

Window Glass Break Alarm

The project window glass break alarm is designed to produce an alarm signal in the incident of breaking of a wire in the loop which is suitable onto a window glass, Door, Etc. The required hardware components of this project include 555 Timer, Resistor, Capacitor, Speaker, Transistor, and Battery. The proposed system uses a buzzer to alert the user. Please refer the link to know more about the window glass break alarm.

Window Glass Break Alarm

Window Glass Break Alarm

Buzzer based Thermometer for Body Temperature

The project buzzer based thermometer for body temperature is designed to develop a temperature limit threatening system using a thermistor. The required hardware components of this project include LED, Resistor, 555 Timer, Battery, Buzzer, Diode, and Thermistor. It is helpful to make a warning sound on growing temperature of the human body beyond a limit.Please refer the link to know more about buzzer based thermometer for body temperature

Buzzer based Thermometer for Body Temperature

Buzzer based Thermometer for Body Temperature

Thus, this is all about beginner Btech projects. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept or to implement simple electronic projects for beginners, please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what is a beginner project?





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