Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System for Patients

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System by

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System by

At the present time, the sensors used in the healthcare are playing a vital role in hospitals. The patient observing system namely “An automatic wireless health monitoring system “is one of the main advanced due to its innovative technology. This system is used to calculate the temperature of the patient’s body & heartbeat by using embedded technology. The sensors used in the proposed system are a temperature sensor and heartbeat sensor. These two sensors mostly used in monitoring the condition of the patient.

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System for Patients and Working

The hardware and software requirements of this project include Power supply block, Microcontroller (at89s52/at89c51), DS1621 (temperature sensor), LED, RF modules, Encoder (ht12e), decoder (ht12d), IN4004, LED, Resistors & capacitors.

Programming Languages: Embedded C, ALP (Assembly Language)Compilers: Keil 2.0/3.0uvDumping Software: Using Microcontroller flash Software we are dumping our HEX Code into Micro Controller.

Embedded Systems

Embedded system is a combination of hardware & software which jointly form a component of a larger machine. An example of an embedded system is a microprocessor that controls an automobile engine. An embedded system is designed to run on its own without human intervention and may be required to respond to events in real time.

Embedded System

Embedded System

AT89S52 Microcontroller

  • Compatible with MCS®-51 Products
  • 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory
  • 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range
  • Crystal Frequency 11.0592MHZ
  • Three-level Program Memory Lock
  • 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM
  • 32 Programmable I/O Lines
  • Three 16-bit Timer/Counters
  • Eight Interrupt Sources
  • Full Duplex UART Serial Channel
  • Watchdog Timer.
AT89S52 Microcontroller

AT89S52 Microcontroller

DS1621 (Temperature Sensor)

  • Measurements require no external components.
  • Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C in 0.5°C increments. Fahrenheit equivalent is -67°F to 257°F in 0.9°F increments.
  • Temperature is read as a 9-bit value (2-byte transfer)
  • Wide power supply range (2.7V to 5.5V)
  • Converts temperature to the digital word in less Than 1 second
  • Thermostatic settings are user definable and Nonvolatile.
  • Data is read from/written via a 2-wire serial interface (open drain I/O lines).
  • Applications include thermostatic controls, industrial systems, consumer products, thermometers, or any thermal sensitive system.

Pin Description of DS1621

  • SDA – 2-Wire Serial Data Input/ Output
  • SCL – 2-Wire Serial Clock
  • GND – Ground
  • TOUT – Thermostat Output Signal
  • A0 – Chip Address Input
  • A1 – Chip Address Input
  • A2 – Chip Address Input
  • VDD – Power Supply Voltage


RF Modules

  • Range in open space(Standard Conditions) : 100 Meters
  • RX Receiver Frequency: 433 MHz
  • RX Typical Sensitivity : 105 dBm
  • RX Supply Current: 3.5 mA
  • RX IF Frequency: 1MHz
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Easy For Application
  • RX Operating Voltage: 5V
  • TX Frequency Range: 433.92 MHz
  • Supply Voltage: 3V ~ 6VTX
  • Out Put Power: 4 ~ 12 dBm

RF Modules

General Description

  • The ST-RX02-ASK is an ASK Hybrid receiver module.
  • The effective low-cost solution for using at 315/433.92 MHZ.
  • The circuit shape of ST-RX02-ASK is L/C.
  • Receiver Frequency: 315 / 433.92 MHZ
  • Typical sensitivity: -105dBm
  • Supply Current: 3.5mA IF Frequency: 1MHz

RF Encoder & Decoder

  • The HT 12E Encoder ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for Remote Control system applications. They are capable of Encoding 12 bit of information which consists of N address bits and 12-N data bits.
  • The HT 12D ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system applications.
  • These ICs are paired with each other. For proper operation, The pair of encoder/decoder with the same number of address and data format should be selected.
  • The Decoder receives the serial address and data from its corresponding decoder, transmitted by a carrier using an RF transmission medium and gives output to the output pins after processing the data.


LEDs are semiconductor devices that are made out of siliconWhen current passes through the LED, it emits photons as a byproduct. Normal light bulbs produce light by heating a metal filament until its white-hot LEDs present many advantages over traditional light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved robustness, smaller size and faster switching.



Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

Most common LCDs connected to the microcontrollers are 16×2 and 20×2 displays. This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and 20 characters per line by 2 lines, respectively. The standard is referred to as HD44780U, which refers to the controller chip which receives data from an external source (and communicates directly with the LCD.



Working of Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System

The main objective of this project is to check the temperature of the patient’s body and exhibit the similar to the physician using RF technology. In hospitals, the temperature of a patient’s body requires to be checked continually, this is usually made by the staff members of the hospital.

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System Project Kit by

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System Project Kit by

They notice the temperature of the patient’s body continually and keep a record of it. The 8051 microcontroller works as a CPU for monitoring the patient’s body temperature. The working of this project is explained using a block diagram, which comprises a power supply block that gives the supply to the entire circuit, and a temperature sensor is used to detect the temperature of a patient’s body. Patient

The block diagram of the automatic wireless health monitoring system mainly includes two sections namely transmitter and receiver. In the transmitter division, the temperature sensor is used to sense the temperature of the patient’s body and the information is sent to the microcontroller.

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System TX Circuit by

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System TX Circuit by

This data can be encoded into serial data over the air through RF module and the values of patient’s body temperature are exhibited on the LCD display with an antenna set at the transmitter’s end and the information from the transmitter is transmitted to the receiver end.

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System RX Circuit by

Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System RX Circuit by

In the receiver end, the received data is decoded with the help of a decoder. The transmitted data will be matched the data stored in the microcontroller. The receiver section of this project will be placed in the doctor’s chamber to read the data continuously. Finally, the temperature of the patient’s body will be displayed on the LCD.

Applications and Advantages

The applications of the automatic wireless health monitoring system mainly include the following.

  • This system is used in transferring the data from transmitter to receiver wirelessly.
  • The proposed system mainly focuses on the condition where the doctors and patients are at the remote location and it is very significant to give the entire data about the heartbeat and the temperature of the patient to the doctor.
  • Besides this, if made particular changes in this project, it can also be applicable for acknowledging the students with the fastest mode of information about certain notices.

The advantages of the automatic wireless health monitoring system mainly include the following.

  • Associating the gap between the patients and the doctor.
  • Best to be used in rural areas for flexible. So that all the situations are simply measured.
  • Operation of this system is very simple.
  • It gives a superior performance when we contrast with a compact sensor.

Furthermore, this project can be implemented by using different factors like BP, retinal size, weight, and age can be incorporated to control the factors in the future. And also this system can be developed by using superior technologies like GPS and GSM.

Thus, this is all about automatic wireless health monitoring system which is a significant health service for next generations. It is portable, simple to use and prevention is better than cure.  We believe that you have got a better understanding of this concept or electrical and electronic projects, please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below.


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