How To Make Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System for Automobile

Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System for Automobile

Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System for Automobile

In daily life, there several types of accidents are occurring. Accidents may cause due to various reasons like brake failure, drunk, and drive, etc. Most of the accidents will occur due to over drunken drivers. In order to overcome this problem, this accident avoidance system project is implemented. This project uses an alcohol sensor which is used to sense the drunken person from 200ppm onwards. If the person is drunk, Firstly we check him whether he is dunked or not. Then, this module is placed in automobiles. If the driver is dunked then the sensor will detect the alcohol amount spent by the person and it will close by buzzing using a buzzer.

Accident Avoidance System for Automobile

The main objective of this project is to sense drunken driver automatically to stop accidents for automobiles. In this proposed system, we have to detect that there is any drunken driver while driving in automobiles. For this, we are using LM35, ADC 0808,  an Alcohol sensor, LDR sensor, Brake Indicator, Relay, LCD. LM35 is precision integrated circuit temperature sensor. It’s o/p voltage is linearly proportional to temperature.

Drunk and Drive Accident Avoidance System for Automobile

Drunk and Drive Accident Avoidance System for Automobile

Thus, an LM35 sensor has a benefit over linear temperature sensors adjusted in° Kelvin, as the operator is not necessary to subtract a large constant voltage from its o/p to get suitable Centigrade scaling. Analog to digital converters are used almost everywhere where an analog signal has to be managed, stored, or conveyed in digital form.

For example: when a drunken driver driving the car, then alcohol sensor senses it and permits the information through an analog to digital converter to the Microcontroller. Then Break Indicator halts the car and the bulb will turn OFF automatically and displays on the LCD. These processes are controlled by Microcontroller.

Block Diagram of Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System

The block diagram of the accident avoidance system is shown in the below figure. In this project, an alcohol sensor is interfaced with an ADC 0804. The output of the light dependent resistor is in digital form so we can directly interface to the AT89S52 microcontroller.

Accident Avoidance System for Automobile Block Diagram

Accident Avoidance System for Automobile Block Diagram

In this project, we interface the alcohol sensors to ADC 0804.The output of LDR is in digital form so we can directly interface to the microcontroller (AT 89S52) and interfaced the LCD display to port pins of the microcontroller.Here we LCD works in the 4-bit mode.We can function the LCD in two modes it may be the 4-bit mode or 8-bit mode.

There are many reasons for occurring vehicle accidents like brake failure, an over drunken person. Most accidents are due to drunken drivers. Due to that drinking of alcohol and in order to avoid these accidents we executed one prototype project. The proposed system uses an alcohol sensor to sense the drunken person from 200ppm onwards.

The inputs are taken from the Q3 sensor and it is one kind of alcohol sensor. This sensor is given to ADC whenever some amount of alcohol is sensed then ADC will take that analog data to convert it into digital format. These data will be given to the microcontroller. If the maximum alcohol amount is sensed then it will give buzzer sound.

During the night time, automatically the headlight can be controlled with the help of LDR. Similarly, we are controlling and protecting the engine from over heat. If the engine is overheated, then we need to cool the engine. In that case, we provide a cooling section with the help of a normal DC fan.

Advantages of Accident Avoidance System System

The advantages of an Automatic drunken drive avoiding system include the following

  • The driver cannot even tamper with it because the supply of petrol valve is open only when all the components are functioning properly.
  • So if anybody tampers with it or if the alcohol percentage is above a particular limit, petrol is not supplied and the car cannot be started.
  • Also, when the supply of petrol is cut off, the vehicle doesn’t stop short. This aids to stop a collision with the vehicles coming behind.
  • This system detects the alcohol directly
  • This is simple in construction and Readily available ICs are used.
  • The responsibility of the circuit is high. And also high Accuracy.


The applications of automatic drunk and drive avoiding system to include cars, buses, trucks, etc

The above-proposed system can also be implemented in two wheelers. A few additional technologies like a GPS system could be employed to alert the cops. Proximity sensors could be used to specify that the vehicle is going to stop. This could be very useful for the vehicles behind.

From the above information, finally we can conclude that once this project is launched in all kinds of vehicles, the main disaster of drunken driving is totally tough; from this, we can protect a number of lives. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any doubts regarding this concept or to implement any drunk and driver project, please give your feedback by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what are the applications of Accident Avoidance System?

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