SMS Based Home Appliance Control System Using PIC Microcontroller

SMS Based Home Appliance Control System

SMS Based Home Appliance Control System

Nowadays, mobile phones are generally used in different applications like wireless monitoring and controlling due to its accessibility and very simple to use. The home appliance control system is based on “GSM (global system mobile)” network by using “SMS (short message service)”. This system design mainly comprises of a GSM modem and interfacing unit circuit with microcontroller. This system used to control different electrical devices like light, fan, washing machine, air conditioner, and many more applications which required in daily life in different places like House, Office, or factory, etc. The control process can be done by sending an exact SMS messages from old or smart phone. The controlling devices are controlled to a predefined phone number and are pre-programmed in the software of the receiver.

SMS Based Home Appliance Control System using PIC Microcontroller

The proposed system “SMS based home appliance control system using pic microcontroller” as the name suggests, it is aimed to design a control system that allows the whole control of the interface on which it is built. General goals of the project are defined as;

  • To co-ordinate home appliances and additional devices through SMS..
  • To effectively obtain and transfer data via SMS
  • To remove the necessity of being actually present in any place for tasks including the operation of appliances in a house or office.
  • Minimize power & time wastage.

Hardware and Software Requirements

  • GSM Module
  • PIC Microcontroller
  • Proteus

SMS based home appliance control system using PIC microcontroller implements the developing applications of the GSM Technology. Using this n/w, a control system has been proposed that will perform as an embedded system which can control and monitor appliances using built-in i/p and o/p peripherals.

PIC Microcontroller

PIC Microcontroller

The proposed system allows the user to control the house appliances via the mobile phone set by sending instructions in the form of SMS and receiving the status of the appliance. The main goal behind the project is receiving the sent SMS and processing it further as necessary to perform numerous operations. The kind of the operation to be achieved depends on the nature of the SMS sent. The working principle of this project is fairly simple. First, the sent SMS is stored and pulled from the receiving mobile station and then the necessary control signal is produced and sent to the middle hardware and designed according to the command received in the form of the sent message.

SMS Based Home Appliance Control System using PIC Microcontroller

SMS Based Home Appliance Control System using PIC Microcontroller

Working of Home Appliance Control System

The HACS includes PC, GSM modem and cell phone which are discussed below.

The PC being the main module has the home appliance control system installed on it. The two subsystems, namely appliances control and security alert. Where, one being applications control is liable for ubiquitous access of appliances and the second subsystem is responsible for security interruption detection. Both the systems work on GSM technology for transmission of commands from sender to receiver.

GSM modem is a plug & play device and is connected to the PC which then communicates with the PC through RS232 port. This modem is a bond responsible for enabling or disabling of SMS capability.

GSM Module

GSM Module

Cellular Phone device interconnects with the GSM Modem through radio waves. This is the wireless communication and this mechanism works on the GSM technology. It has a SIM card and a GSM payment. This cell phone number is arranged in the system. The user sends instructions through SMS and the system takes an act against those instructions.

Algorithm of Home Appliance Control System

  • Start
  • GSM initialization
  • Get Software and Hardware
  • Poll SMS from mobile phone
  • If new SMS received go to Get Software and Hardware else, go to Start
  • Read SMS
  • Check the pattern of SMS
  • Control the system based on status
  • Inform end user
  • Go to step1

Characteristics Of Home Appliance Control System

The HACS characteristics include remote controlling of appliances, system security, intrusion detection, and auto-configuration such that this system automatically controls the settings of system for running hardware support check. The proposed system has valuable features such as displaying the level of battery, charging status and signal strength of the mobile thus making system consistent.

Strengths of Home Appliance Control System

This system has many advantages like remote controlling of home appliances, obtain ability and comfort of users. The operator can acquire alerts anyplace through the GSM technology, thus making the system location independent. The system includes low cost basic electrical and electronic components which are easily available and cuts down the overall system cost. Furthermore, the system alerts user about opening via SMS providing home security also it lets secure access due to pre-configured number. The ease of placement is due to wireless mode of communication.

GSM technology provides the advantage that the system is available in remote areas as well. The system consistency increases due to the useful features such as charging status, battery level checking, and signal strength representing the system about pressures. The system combination is the user against security risk. The system is simple, scalable and extensible. The auto-configuration ability lets the system auto enabling or disabling of particular features.

Limitations of Home Appliance Control System

The functionality of HACS is based on GSM technology so the technological limitations must be kept in mind. The system is exposed to power failure, but this trouble can be avoided by attaching the voltage source, thus letting users to avail the great benefit of this system.

In this article low cost, ubiquitously accessible, secure, auto-configurable, remotely controlled solution for automation of homes has been discussed. A GSM technology proficient solution has proven to be controlled wirelessly, provide home security is cost-effective as compared to the before existing systems. Hence we can conclude that the basic level of home appliance control has been implemented. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any doubts regarding this concept or to implement home security projects, please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what is a home automation system?